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We Gather Every Sunday

Sunday School

Sundays 9:30-10:20 AM

Main Service

Sundays 10:40-11:45 AM

Evening Service / Youth Groups

Sundays 6-7 PM

Small Group Bible Studies

Sunday School Classes


Sunday Evening Bible Study

Youth Groups


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Bible Study

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Sunday Morning Small Group Bible Studies

Every Sunday morning beginning at 9:30, small group Bible studies are held for all age groups. Below, you will find a list of the various Bible studies, their age range and location.


Birth through three years of age, a nursery is provided on the main level of the building.

Children’s classes

Children’s classes are broken up by age beginning with four-year-olds through kindergarten. Followed by first, second, and 3rd graders. Finally, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. Each class has age-appropriate material, in order to nurture the student’s relationship with Jesus Christ. All children’s classes are located in the lower level of the church building.

Young Adult Classes

This class provides a small group atmosphere for young men and women to come together and grow in
their faith and discipleship journey. As you transition into adult life with college and tradecraft, careers,
and a host of new responsibilities and challenges it can be easy to lose focus on what is important. Here
we emphasize accountability to each other and commitment to answering the tough questions as we
continue growing to resemble Jesus!

Adult Classes

Adult small groups. Small group Bible studies are available for men and women each Sunday morning. Each small group encourages followers of Jesus Christ to grow in grace and to nurture their relationships with one another. Classes are held in the main auditorium and in the fellowship hall in the downstairs area of the church.